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SIGAINT, lelantos, ruggedinbox, all dead. Any recommend for Tor email provider?

By Silktheseller В»

SIGAINT is dead so is lelantos and ruggedinbox. Need suggest on new email. I tried Lelantos but they are no longer working with no one able to log in see my comment history for references. Thoughts on mail2tor? Or is it a honeytrap? Why should I trust a "free service"?
Protonmail because require phone number or registered credit card and dont trust javascript. Tutanota require phone number also.

#1. by trappy В»

sigaint will come back, they always do

#2. by Silktheseller В»

We all hope so.

#3. by Crushdudes В»

cock.li with enigmail.
It has the added benefit of having an admin you can call to complain to if it's offline. Just telephone +1 66-COCKMAN-6

#4. by cardshopff В»

DO NOT USE Mail2Tor . We are hardly getting any email from their server,

Here are the email providers I know of which offer webmail access via tor hidden servers. They are roughly organized in order of most appealing to least appealing for general use in my opinion although they are not precisely organized.

“Hidden Webmail Services”

“ProtonMail.com | confrimed @ /r/ProtonMail/”

“Cock.li / http://mail.cockmailwwfvrtqj.onion.rip | JavaScript required (RoundCube only). Many alt-domains!”

“RiseUp.net / http://nzh3fv6jc6jskki3.onion.rip | for horizontal collectivists”

“Autistici.org / http://wi7qkxyrdpu5cmvr.onion.rip | for anti-capitalist activists”

“SCRYPTMail.com / http://scryptmaildniwm6.onion.rip | JavaScript required.”

“AnonInbox.net / http://ncikv3i4qfzwy2qy.onion.rip | paid accounts only; responsive support”

“RayServers.com / http://nmf6cg7tiyqlhsg3.onion.rip | paid accounts only; responsive, competent support”

“BitMai.la / http://oxicsiwet42jw4h4.onion.rip/ | very low-cost, paid accounts. /u/bitmaila”

“VFEMail.net / http://344c6kbnjnljjzlz.onion.rip | 3rd party, clearnet JavaScript required @ signup. Many alt-domains!”

“GuerrillaMail.com / http://grrmailb3fxpjbwm.onion.rip | Temporary, disposable addresses. JavaScript required. Emails deleted after 24 hours.”

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